De Sisti is a world leader in the sector of professional lighting systems since 1982. Innovation, technological research, high performances, attention to details and highest international standards of safety are the most significant company features. The De Sisti Lighting Systems are used in the fields of entertainment, broadcasting and architectural lighting. All products are designed, manufactured, and tested at De Sisti’s factories, where several teams of professional and experienced specialtists work hard to achieve brilliant results with excellence and quality. Total Quality Control is the primary goal of the factories. With a well-organized worldwide network of distribuotrs and dealers, the company supports the proper implementation of is products/systems in all the installations at the different fields of application. Our mission is to always provide the best Lighting Systems, offer the best value for money, the most reliable products, great performances, high efficiency solutions, the latest technologies, revolutionary energy saving systems, and we are continuously investing in research and development to answer your needs.

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